Together Javier and Stephanie created a product to be proud of, that would become part of a home, that would perfectly integrate into the life of the everyday family.
As a family in Texas, our product had to be handmade in Texas.
Our home was our first "warehouse" back in 2006. Wood was cut, frames built, padding cut and applied in our garage. Leather was marked and cut on our kitchen table, sewn in our bedroom. Props to Javier for learning this new skill! Our living room was the upholstery site where products were completed and ready for packaging.
After many early mornings and late nights we achieved sales and surprising feedback!
This is it, this is what we're doing.
Leaving jobs and dedicating every waking hour to family and our new shop was an easy decision but a scary move. We decided to grow our line and our space. A small warehouse in a Dallas suburb was the launch of our online shop, and where we added a third member to our team. Believe it or not, we are a team of only 3!
Our product had to be for families like ours. To allow us to keep costs down but still provide a great product, we had to get creative. Every hide marked and cut is done so with eliminating waste in mind. When you receive your product, it'll be in a box that was created right as the product was going inside of it. You'll see handwriting on the box, repurposed carboard for inner protection, and unusable framing wood as leg protection.
Over the years, we have had growth opportunities that we evaluated very carefully. We felt, and still do, that once we lose the ability to see production through of each piece, it no longer will have the integrity that we strive for; structurally and as a company. We wear many hats in this place, and happy to do so! One is on design, production, and leads our team; one on leather and sewing; and one on customer support and shop maintenance.
We craft products to be functional and pleasing to the eye their new homes, for families like ours, for years to come.